Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mom's Cooking

After our visit to Lemon Tree Restaurant, hubby's mom made her first attempt at cooking crabs.
Live crabs in the kitchen sink. Kinda pitied them....poor little fellas all unaware that they were about to become lunch! Mom bought these female roe-crabs from the market at RM20.00/kg. According to her, the male meat crabs cost only half that price (i.e., RM10.00/kg). So cheap!

Mom did the crabs in salted-egg style, with birds' eye chilies and curry leaves. Excellent stuff, I think I must have eaten the bulk of it.....very slowly. Nobody else seemed to have the patience to sit at the table for hours, happily sucking on spindly legs and claws.

She also steamed a garoupa fish. The pork stock powder we bought from Bangkok (can't find it in Malaysia) really adds a kick to the gravy.

I've tried cooking this deceptively simple dish of soya sauce-sesame oil pork (chien bak) many times, and have never gotten it to taste like how hubby's mom cooks it. Wonder what's her secret?

Steamed eggs with minced meat at the bottom.

Yummm, kerabu salad!

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